The PBM Foundation supports and coordinates scientific and clinical efforts, and raises awareness, for light technology treating patients with COVID-19, cancer, chronic pain, opioid use disorder, and neurological conditions.

The PBM Foundation supports and coordinates scientific and clinical efforts, and raises awareness, for light technology treating patients with COVID-19, cancer, chronic pain, opioid use disorder, and neurological conditions.
The Foundation collaborates with senior science and government officials for improving acceptance and application of PBM. This includes funding research and expanding insurance coverage. Foundation board members and advisors have formally presented to the White House, Executive Branch agencies, Congress, Medical Forums, and the United Nations.
Learn about the science and application of Photobiomodulation (PBM), successfully treating COVID-19, Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), and traumatic brain injury (TBI); managing pain; healing wounds; preventing Cancer therapy’s side-effects; and helping our Military. Over 100 million patients have received PBM in clinical settings proving PBM effective and safe.
The Foundation funds and coordinates PBM research around the world. We share our research with healthcare leaders and senior policy officials. Evidence of PBM’s successful treatments supports expanding insurance coverage, treatment protocols, and order sets so patients receive the full benefit of PBM therapy.
The Foundation supports establishing degree and certification programs for using PBM to treat patients. We work with medical and nursing schools to support curriculum development, learning module design, and faculty recruitment. There are now formal medical and nursing degrees for PBM with more to come!
Support PBM’s efforts to develop pain management alternatives to opioids using light therapy.
Researched and Used Across America