Photo courtesy American Journal of Case Reports

Laser treatment for coronavirus shows positive results in patient with severe disease

Photo courtesy American Journal of Case Reports

A pain-free laser treatment traditionally used to reduce inflammation could now help coronavirus patients after it showed positive results in a severe COVID-19 patient on a path to intubation who instead was discharged from the hospital.

“This was a man who was really failing to thrive, had not been eating, was not able to get out of bed,” said Dr. Scott Sigman, orthopedic surgeon and team physician at UMass Lowell.

The patient in Sigman’s study, published in the American Journal of Case Reports, was a 57-year-old Black man diagnosed with coronavirus and was admitted to the ICU for respiratory distress. . .

Boston Herald | August 11, 2020
Author: Alexi Cohan
Photo courtesy American Journal of Case Reports

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Light Brings a Delicate Touch to Treatment

From alleviating pain, inflammation, and depression to encouraging a youthful complexion, LEDs and lasers offer a drug-free, precisely targeted therapy with minimal reported side effects.

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white paper

Photoimmunotherapy: A Novel Field with Overlapping Light Treatment Approaches

The use of light asa therapeutic modality is often metwith some skepticism. Despite its all-pervasive naturein our daily lives, there are several evidences for the abilityof the human body to perceive and utilize the physical formof electromagnetic radiation energy that light represents.Two key examples are the ability of sunlight to promote vi-tamin D metabolism (ultraviolet-B, UV-B 300 nm) and visiblelight (400–700 nm) enabling vision.

Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery | June 29, 2020
Author: Praveen R. Arany, BDS, MDS, MMSc, PhD

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Light Therapy Could Replace Opioids As Main Treatment For Cancer Treatment Mouth Ulcers

A worldwide coalition of researchers and clinicians has agreed that light therapy is among the most effective interventions for the prevention of oral mucositis, painful ulcers in the mouth resulting from cancer therapy.

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Light Therapy May Stop Cancer Treatment Side Effect

Researchers say that light therapy is an effective treatment for oral ulcers resulting from radiation therapy for head and neck cancer or stem cell transplants.

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Redskins Use PBM for Conditioning and Recovery

The team uses a three-step restoration process that starts with a minimum of 12 minutes inside a photobiomodulation bed that uses three types of infrared light to help repair cells all over the body.

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Cold Laser Therapy Offers Pain Relief

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Light Therapy Saves Former BYU Linebacker From Suicide

For six weeks he reported to the V.A. alongside returning vets from Afghanistan and Iraq. The treatment was painless. In a process called photobiomodulation, each subject was hooked up to a machine that sent what is called “near infrared light” to various parts of the brain.“It’s groundbreaking, there’s no other word to describe it,” he says. “It just seems to reset the brain. The only side effect is I’m stronger and in better shape than I’ve ever been.”

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Revolutionary Laser Light Therapy Helping Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

Pittsburgh has gained a national and international reputation for the medicine being practiced here. New developments continue to improve a patient’s quality of life even as they are being treated. Now, a revolutionary laser light therapy is helping cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments.

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